West Africa
West Africa
Vision and Systems Change
Trickle Up’s work in West Africa aims to improve the practices of implementing partners on the ground in the design and implementation strategies of Graduation programs fighting extreme poverty. Those practices include vulnerability targeting, program design, and implementation of Graduation programs such as coaching and savings groups. The work in West Africa is informing Trickle Up’s program adaptation and plans to scale graduation worldwide.
Adapting programs and policies for Child Protection
Trickle Up’s evaluation of the Child Protection program in West Africa and the development of related materials (sensitization on child rights, risk factors, etc.) is leading Trickle Up to assess the effects of Graduation programs on children and instigate Child Protection policies across the organization.
Scaling Coaching Systems
Trickle Up’s experience scaling up of coaching systems in West Africa serves as a model for other regions.
Trickle Up is drawing on lessons from other regions to inform future projects in West Africa. The successful use of Community Resource People as coaches is being adapted from the Indian context and applied to programs in West Africa. Additionally, the use of digital innovations as part of larger social protection programs, as with MPowered in India, is being assessed for lessons learned that are applicable to West Africa.
Project Highlight:
Adaptive Social Protection in the Sahel
The Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) Program is a program funded by a multi-donor trust fund and managed by the World Bank. Trickle Up’s involvement in the program includes development of coaching training modules and training of social safety nets programs and their partners, who subsequently train community coaches. Coaches provide regular group and individual coaching to the beneficiaries. Group coaching provides Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLAs) with strong platforms for experiences sharing on income generating activities and other program activities. Individual coaching is directed to the beneficiaries and their respective households. It is intended to provide program participants with the help necessary to develop strong income generating activities to meet their financial needs. Trickle Up is also in charge of implementing and managing a process evaluation in four of the six ASP countries. This includes developing a learning agenda and evaluation materials for each country and overseeing all the process evaluation activities in conjunction with the country team.
– Antoinette Zoena, Noussoun, Burkina Faso
– Antoinette Zoena, Noussoun, Burkina Faso
Antoinette Zoena became a Trickle Up participant in 2015 and has had great success expanding her business selling prepared foods and beverages. After joining a savings group, she learned to manage her money. She has since build a new home and saved enough to help pay for her child’s education. “That has really changed the quality of our lives. I am very proud to belong to this group. I have learned a lot.”
– Madelaine Valéa, Noussoun, Burkina Faso
Madelaine Valéa is a former Health Agent Base who now works as a coach for women who are part of a Trickle Up program implemented by local partner AIDAS. Madelaine knows that the seed capital alone is not enough to overcome poverty—it how each uses the capital that matters. That knowledge is part of why the women of the savings group chose Madeleine as their coach in 2016. Madeleine is motivated by the success of her group. She is greatly respected by her group members and also by the community as a whole.
– Madelaine Valéa, Noussoun, Burkina Faso