We go further
in the fight to end extreme poverty.
2018 Year in Review
Dear Friends,
2018 has been the most important year in Trickle Up’s 40-year history.
We served 160,127 people in 19 countries – more than twice the number we reached in 2017 and 13 times the level of just three years earlier. We began a major new program in Uganda and expanded our global partnerships with high-impact institutions including UNHCR/The UN Refugee Agency, the World Bank, India’s National Rural Livelihoods Mission, the US State Department, and the US Agency for International Development. We continued to innovate with new program methods and customized smartphone apps that will put the computing and communication power of the Internet into the hands of our participants. Our operating income for fiscal year 2018 was $6.7 million, a 42% increase from 2017.
2018 Year in Review
Dear Friends,
2018 has been the most important year in Trickle Up’s 40-year history.
We served 160,127 people in 19 countries – more than twice the number we reached in 2017 and 13 times the level of just three years earlier. We began a major new program in Uganda and expanded our global partnerships with high-impact institutions including UNHCR/The UN Refugee Agency, the World Bank, India’s National Rural Livelihoods Mission, the US State Department, and the US Agency for International Development. We continued to innovate with new program methods and customized smartphone apps that will put the computing and communication power of the Internet into the hands of our participants. Our income for our fiscal 2018 was $6.7 million, a 42% increase from 2017.

Trickle Up and our partners reached 160,127 people in 2018 – more than double the number reached in 2017.

2018 income, a 42% increase from 2017
partner organizations
participants in 2018, double that of 2017
participant savings groups
countries where we work
local leadership in field offices
2018 income, a 42% increase from 2017
partner organizations
participants in 2018, double that of 2017
participant savings groups
countries where we work
local leadership in field offices

Explore how Trickle Up’s innovative programs create lasting impact for the poorest worldwide.